When a multi-socket is a thing of joy

I was at St Boniface on Sunday leading Satellite worship, and afterwards as we put away wires and equipment, our friendly neighbourhood electrician said to me ‘see that multi-socket over there, the one for six plugs? It makes me so happy.’

Image result for 6 plug multi socket
I stared at it.  It looked a perfectly normal socket to me.  ‘What makes you happy about it?’
‘We had winter night shelter here for the homeless last night, and I was able to say to them “look boys, you can all recharge your mobiles here.” It was so satisfying to help them like that.’
What a brilliant diaconal spirit – serving through little things that make a real difference.

4 thoughts on “When a multi-socket is a thing of joy

  1. Very practical and thoughtful.

    There are some single and double sockets, (the usual domestic ones that are fitted to walls) which allow for a usb fitted cable end, to say, firewire cable fittings, so the device can be plugged in without a 3-pin plug. I was given one as a present, I haven’t had it fitted yet. It would have to be done by someone with electrical expertise. These days, you are meant to avoid enthusiastic amateurs!


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